Nope. I definitely did not see that one coming. Sat minding my own business in DJ retirement without a care in the world and the world knocks on the door.
I should explain. In 2012 I had been DJing for 15 years straight with a lot of long nights. I had always said it is a young man’s game and I can confirm that those 5am finishes don’t get any easier as the years drift on. I had also lost some of the passion for the job. It really was a job after all. When a taxi driver asks you what you do for a living and you say DJ they always ask what is your other, proper job. People just don’t believe that you can DJ professionally. But I did. For fifteen years. I had to find a longer-term career as my 30th birthday came and went and thankfully flying had started to, erm, take-off. When I took that final bow at the last VIBE it felt right to retire and leave on a relative high.
People often ask whether I missed DJing. The honest answer is no. I had really done it, got the t-shirt and a few scars to prove it. I haven’t yearned a night in a club since 2012. I have maintained a love of music, of course, and sometimes think ‘yeh that’s great VIBE track’ but otherwise DJ retirement has been bliss.
So it was a little unexpected that I find myself sorting playlists and preparing for my come-back. What actually happened was I was preparing to buy myself a new laptop and realised that 90% of the space on my hard-drive is of photos of drunk people in my various club nights taken by professional photographers over the years. They are of little interest to me so I uploaded them all onto a Facebook page for the rest of the world to share amongst each other.
There was a real stirring of emotions as people saw these photos for the first time in years and the comments were so touching. When was I going to do a VIBE? Really? It’s been years though?! Well, I suppose I could. And now I am. Club booked, tickets delivered and on sale (and selling… phew!). This is really happening.
And it feels good. Really good. It also feels right. I am not planning on giving up my day job as an airline captain but I’ve some ideas of afternoon, more age-appropriate, gigs that I can do and get back in the game a bit. Having VIBE 2016 to prepare for is actually an easy way in. I don’t have to update musically too much as people will be expecting the tracks from that era. Now I just have to buy the equipment. It’s been five years since I last spun and I suspect times are a changing. Watch this space.